Beeta Biomed Logo

Early diagnosis made easy.

Beeta Biomed is forging a new path in medical diagnostics with its revolutionary QolorEX technology. Join us in reshaping the way we detect.

Our Product

QolorEX is our revolutionary multi-disease molecular diagnostic device.

It combines the accuracy and reliability of PCR technology with the affordability, speed, and convenience of rapid antigen tests.

99% Accuracy

Unlike rapid antigen tests, QolorEX has gold-standard PCR accuracy.

Rapid Results

Returns results to your personal device in under 15 minutes.

Imaging Box & Cartridge


QolorEX integrates seamlessly into various healthcare environments.


Low Cost

QolorEX costs 85% less than standard PCR.


QolorEX can detect multiple diseases simultaneously.


Fully Automated

QolorEX does not require any specialized training, making it easy to use.

Our Partners and Supporters

Cen Tech Logo
McGill Engine Logo
Health 2 Innovation Hub Logo
Clinical Innovation Competition Logo
Lab 2 Market Logo

Featured Media

Beeta Biomed’s QolorEX research is published in Nature Nanotechnology (2023).

Dr. Sara Mahshid is interviewed live on CTV News Toronto about disease detection and QolorEX (2023).

Dr. Sahar Mashid and Dr. Sara Mahshid at SelectUSA.

Beeta Biomed wins first-place in the SelectUSA Quebec Pitch Competition; attends the SelectUSA Investment Summit (2023).

Let's Collaborate

We are currently expanding our pool of partners and investors.
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