Media & Events

Upcoming Events: TBA

Beeta Biomed's booth at Collision

Beeta Biomed attends Collision Conference (2024).

Beeta Biomed attends the McGill Clinical Innovation Competition (2024).

Beeta Biomed’s QolorEX research is published in Nature Nanotechnology (2023).

Photo of Beeta Biomed team at Startup Open House MTL

Beeta Biomed participates in Startup Open House Montreal (2024).

Photo from MEDTEQ+ Innovation Summit

Beeta Biomed attends the MEDTEQ+ Innovation Summit (2024).

McGill Health E-News publishes a feature on Beeta Biomed and QolorEX (2023).

Photo from SelectUSA's Select Global Women in Tech 2023 cohort

Beeta Biomed’s CEO and CSO join the SelectUSA Select Global Women in Tech 2023 cohort (2023).

The McGill Innovation Fund awards Beeta Biomed with 50,000$ in non-dilutive funding (2022).

Candid photo of Beeta pitching to Luc Sirois

Beeta Biomed participates in Startup Open House Montreal (2024).

Photo of Beeta Biomed team at Startup Open House MTL

Beeta Biomed participates in Startup Open House Montreal (2024).

Photo from MEDTEQ+ Innovation Summit

Beeta Biomed attends the MEDTEQ+ Innovation Summit (2024).

Dr. Sara Mahshid is interviewed live on CTV News Toronto about disease detection and QolorEX (2023).

Beeta Biomed recognized as a top 10 startup at the Innovobot Holiday Demo (2023).

Photo of Dr. Sara Mahshid, Dr. Roozbeh Moakhar, and George Martin

Beeta Biomed has networking session with Roche Diagnostics (2023).

Beeta Biomed wins the McGill Engine’s William & Rhea Smith Award (2021).

Beeta Biomed attends Introduction to AIM: San Antonio Military Medical R&D (2024).

Beeta Biomed wins first-place in the SelectUSA Quebec Pitch Competition; attends the SelectUSA Investment Summit (2023).

Dr. Sahar Mahshid and US Ambassador Cohen

Beeta Biomed is invited to meet with US Ambassador Cohen during SelectUSA Montreal (2023).

Dr. Sahar Mahshid presenting QolorEX at SelectUSA

Beeta Biomed participates in the Regional Pitching Session at the SelectUSA Summit (2023).

Photo of Dr. Sahar Mahshid with Sarah Tennant and Lindsay Kirchinger

Beeta Biomed attends Opportunities in Michigan for Quebec Companies (2023).

Beeta Biomed attends the HealthTech Ignite conference (2023).

Photo from CLIP Demo Day

Beeta Biomed presents QolorEX at CLIP Demo Day (2023).

Beeta Biomed wins the First-Place MI4 Innovation Prize at the McGill Clinical Innovation Competition (2022).

Beeta Biomed Logo